• Common Questions

    Does Teen Phone Use Affect Romantic Relationships?

    Do phones and other digital devices prevent teens from having fulfilling romantic relationships? What are the drawbacks of using these devices to communicate with partners? Are there benefits?

  • Ask the Experts—Webinars

    Win-Win Parenting: Child Safety, Autonomy, and Family Harmony In the Digital Age

    How can parents and caregivers effectively guide their children’s media use in a way that reduces conflict, fosters independence, and helps guard against the development of problematic or addictive media use?

  • Screen Deep Podcast
  • Scholarly Articles

    Digital Media and Mental Health: Summary and Recommendations

    Summary and Recommendations found in the "Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence," Part One: Research Concerning Cognitive, Physical, Mental, and Psychosocial Impacts on Children, Digital Media and Mental Health Section (pages 117-172)

  • Scholarly Articles

    Problematic Use of the Internet: Summary and Recommendations

    Summary and Recommendations found in the "Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence," Part One: Research Concerning Cognitive, Physical, Mental, and Psychosocial Impacts on Children, Problematic Use of the Internet Section (pages 173-209)

  • Scholarly Articles

    Race, Racism, and Digital Media: Summary and Recommendations

    Summary and Recommendations found in the "Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence," Part Two: Research on How Media Influence Relationships, Family, Culture, and Society, Race, Racism, and Digital Media Section (pages 263-316)

  • Scholarly Articles

    Gender, Sexuality, and Digital Media: Summary and Recommendations

    Summary and Recommendations found in the "Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence," Part Two: Research on How Media Influence Relationships, Family, Culture, and Society, Gender, Sexuality, and Digital Media Section (pages 317-370)

  • Scholarly Articles

    Youth Digital Wellbeing: Summary and Recommendations

    Summary and Recommendations found in the "Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence," Part One: Research Concerning Cognitive, Physical, Mental, and Psychosocial Impacts on Children, Youth Digital Wellbeing Section (pages 211-259)